The World Squash Federation (WSF) extends its deepest condolences to the loved ones of William ‘Monty’ Cumberbatch, who has passed away aged 70.

Monty was a beloved and integral part of the Barbadian squash scene, representing Barbados as a player and later serving as President of the Barbados Squash Association as well as managing the Barbadian team at major competitions, including the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Throughout his career, Monty worked tirelessly for the sport he loved, promoting squash and encouraging participation at all levels, and he leaves a lasting impression on the game for which the global squash community will be forever grateful.

The thoughts of the WSF and wider squash world go out to Monty’s wife Sherry, his children Gavin, Rhett, Bryant and Khamal, and his colleagues at the Barbados Squash Association.